Saturday, February 14, 2009

Joy- Love- and all that's good!

Today is Valentine's Day! And I am lucky to have a husband that loves me and loves all our kids and family so much. He brings me joy- he is joy- he is a man of honor and integrity and although he has so many difficulties right now with his health, he still spreads love and sunshine everywhere he goes.

Oh- he has up days and down days, but his is a magnificent spirit always pushing onward and upward! Can't you just see the love and kindness in his eyes and heart in these photos?

He really loves his family- 'specially all our grandkids.

When I think of the word 'joy"- I think of all the wonderful blessings I have been given in my life... my husband, my amazing, awesome kids, my fabulous, delightful grandkids, my parents & siblings, all my extended family, all the good friends I have and have had... and most of all, as I pondered all these things, I realized how lucky and how blessed I am to be a person who is loved. I often think of all those whom I love- but it really hit me today- there are people who really love me... and what more can anyone ask than that? Heavenly Father has blessed us all and it is up to us to recognize and acknowledge His greatness and his generosity and all that He blesses us with. Always remembering that trials and struggles only lead to greater recognition and deeper gratitude for all the things that bring us joy- Happy Love Day to all of you-family, friends, acquaintances, far and near, old and new, you are all so dear to me; and thank you for being a part of my life-whether great or small- you all have touched me in some way and that has brought me to this place- who I am and all that I am. God Bless!

1 comment:

Jennifer B said...

We all love you!! Because you are awesome!! Your hubby sounds great. Happy Valentine's Day. =)