Tuesday, January 20, 2009

God Bless Our Country!

Today was a beautiful, joyous, momentous day! The sun was not shining here in Nampa- in fact it was rather overcast, cold and chilly! But my heart and my spirit were full of hope and joy. As I watched our 44th president be sworn into office I was so moved. What a country! What a moment for our country.... and I don't mean just because we have the first African American president- I mean because we live in a country where a leader is chosen by the people and every four years we are reminded of our democracy and our freedoms. We are truly blessed to live in this wonderful nation and truly blessed with freedoms and bounty that no other country has. Whether or not a person voted for President Obama- no matter what party, race, religion, or lifestyle each person chooses- no matter how young or old- we are Americans! And we are blessed! And yes- I am proud to be an American!
**** see Some of My Own Thoughts (Kurt Manwaring's Blog) for a really good take on this! ****


Nate and Lana Hope said...

Hi Roxanne! I was visiting Heathers blog and just supposed that "My Mommy" meant you! Hope you don't mind my visit! It was fun to read a few updates! Hope you don't mind!

Nate and Lana Hope said...

Oh, I should probably make sure you know who I am! :) This is Lana DRAPER. Do you remember me? :)

steph said...

I soo agree with you! I absolutely love the good ol' USA! Now that I'm living elsewhere I truly realize how blessed everyone in the US is! What a great place to have been born! I love and miss you!