Wednesday, November 26, 2008

For These Things I Give Thanks

A Heavenly Father and
Savior who knows me and loves me.
The testimony of truth and right that
gives me strength in the best of times
and in the darkest times.
The prophet and the gospel- that guides me every day.
The wonderful, kind husband who loves me unconditionally.
The awesome opportunity and blessing of being a mother and grandma.
The parents that raised me and taught me to be kind, non-judgemental, and above all accepting of all people- preparing me to raise a daughter with a disability.
The sisters and brothers who grew up with me and lived through all kinds of life's trials and triumphs!
All the people, experiences, moments, and choices that have shaped my life and brought me to this moment and this place.
I give my thanks to my Father and to all who have touched or shaped my life in any way.
Happy Thanksgiving and may God Bless you all!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sweetheart Tag! How Fun! <3 <3

Me & My
Sweetheart Jim
March 23, 2002
(Amanda's wedding)
So- Heather
tagged me! & here goes!
Each person tagged gets to answer questions about their sweetheart! Then at the end of the post, they tag 6 others and post their names, then goes to their blogs to let them know they've been tagged. (I don't think I can come up with 6 others, but I'll try)
1- What is your husband's name? Jimmy Lee Witt
2- How long have you guys been married? 7 years, 3 months :)
3- How long did you date? Hmmm- funny story- we "met" on LDS Singles On-Line- sent e-mails back and forth for a couple months, then met face to face. We then dated for 3 months, got engaged and were married 3 months after that..... so altogether, a little under a year.
4- How old is he? Verrrrrrrrry Old (hee hee) 58
5- Who is taller? He is- by about 5 inches.
6- Who can sing best? Definitely me! Although he really loves music!
7- Who is smarter? Definitely he is! He could do sooooooooooooo good on Jeapordy! He is a walking trivia/detail/history/information buff!
8- Who does laundry? We both do our own clothes, but I do the rest.
9- Who pays the bills? I do.
10- Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Is there a wrong side? hee hee- I do.
11- Who mows the lawn? He used to- now we either get the neighbor boy or the scouts come and do it because of his being disabled.
12- Who cooks dinner? I cook or we will each heat up a microwave meal of our own choice.
13- Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Neither - just kidding- we are both pretty strong minded and opinionated, but we are both tolerant of each other's views and we both very easily apologize or admit to being wrong- so, it's a toss up!
14- Who kissed who first? He did - of course!
15- Who wears the pants? I love Heather's answer! "I have one leg in and so does he- we make a good team" He is the priesthood holder and leader in our home- but we work as a team!
Thanks Heather Feather for the tag! I love playing along! Now- let's see, I tag Dani, Jennifer, Tringle, Jenny----- can't think of anyone else! So- go! It's your turn!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Quick, funny story about one of the grandkids :)

Meet Haedon! He is 2 yrs old (will be 3 in December)

A couple of weeks ago Donnie (Haedon's dad), Heather and I went to Bear Lake to sing in my parents' ward. They were speaking about preparing and getting to the temple. Heather's kids all stayed home with their dad and Haedon's brothers stayed with Katie cause they had to practice for their Primary program - so Haedon was feeling pretty big and having a ball with us.
My sister, Susan, and her hubby were there and my aunt and uncle and we all had dinner at Granny & Grampa Toomer's after church.
Haedon was busily, happily visiting and entertaining all the adults as only a 2 yr. old can. He was sooooooooooo funny! My sister tried to explain to him that I was her sister and he kept indignantly declaring _ "No! - dat's my Dramma!" Of course she couldn't resist and then tried to tell him that Grampa Toomer was her daddy and my daddy- at which he again indignantly insisted _ "No!- he's Drampa!" It was hilarious- the more she tried to explain family relationships to him (that she was his daddy's aunt, etc.) the more indignant and insistent he became. He has such an expressive face and voice- we were all in stitches.

Then, when I told him I wanted to take his picture with Grampa Toomer he jumped up in Grampa's lap. After the picture he jumped down and came to look at the camera- then ran and jumped back in Grampa's lap saying "again!" for another picture- 5 times! It was great fun for all of us.

'Course I just have to tell about his declaration during the prayer in Sacrament Meeting.... he was kind of kicking the bench in front of us and I grabbed his feet- then Donnie picked him up and sat him on his lap. At this point Haedon declared loudly- "I'm Gonna poop on you"- (hee hee) I had taken him potty before the meeting but he didn't do anything, so Donnie "subtly" took him out and took him to the potty where he took care of business!

Everyone should have a "Haedon" in their life! We are so blessed! All 26 of our grandkids are uniquely wonderful and I can't imagine life without them! Sooooo- as time goes by I will be sharing many, many fun memories about these delightful little people and hopefully those of you who read my blog will be entertained, inspired, and moved!

Posted with love and gratitude, Roxanne