Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sometimes Ya Just Want Your Gramma!

A few weeks ago Heather and Mike took their kids for a fun road trip to Yellowstone Park. According to Heather, the kids were all excited- road trips are one of their favorite family activities. Well - - as they were driving, Mikey started asking if they could go to Gramma Roxanne's house too. Mike told him "No, not this trip".. then I guess Mailei and Maddy started asking (Ya think they love their Gramma?). And again, their dad told them "No, not this trip", explaining they weren't even going in the right direction... Anyway- the kids were enjoying the trip, the scenery, and all, but they just kept asking to go to Gramma's and mom and dad were getting a little annoyed... (hee hee)- but eventually they all got engrossed in different things (fickle little tykes!) and Mikey sorta dozed off or something. Then he suddenly sat up and said, "HEY! I THOUGHT WE WERE GOING TO GRAMMA ROXANNE'S!" (Ta-da!- not so fickle after all) - At this point I guess Mike lost a little of his patience and "suggested" that he could stop the car and let Mikey WALK to Gramma's. Heather said it got very quiet for a little while and they figured Mikey had finally given up. Then a paper airplane suddenly (quietly) comes flying up to the front of their van..... she opened it up and found this picture! Mikey had drawn himself with tears running down his face (actually, all down his body and to the ground) and a little "thought" balloon showing his Gramma's face with tears running down! Just had to let Mom and Dad know that they were really making him and his Gramma very sad! So, needless to say, the next time I went to visit I just had to steal the picture- it is just too precious for words! And right about now this Gramma is feeling all warm and fuzzy and very, very loved!
(And of course this is one of those life moments you just "hafta share"!)


Dani said...

Roxanne that is too funny. I showed my mom your post because i know that she can appreciate it just the same. My kids...especially Carter loves her...more than me most of the time. My mom is at my house usually 5 days a week visiting or babysitting so my kids see her as their mama too. It must be great to be a gramma and hear storied like that. Save that picture for when Mikey is older. Its too cute!! Thanks for the ears idea with the socks. I never thought of that.

Heather said...

hee hee hee, that's my boy! He's no mama's boy, he's a gramma's boy, ha ha!

steph said...

Sooo cute!!! I love the entire story and the picture and his creative way to 'not let it drop'! SOOO funny and enjoyable to read! Thnx for sharing :) Love and miss you!

Jennifer B said...

That is so cute. You gotta love the relationship between a Grandma & their grandkids. You must be an awesome grandma!!