Monday, September 29, 2008


Owen Blake Toomer and Mary Joyce Lane
(my mom and dad)
Sealed for time and eternity Sept. 24, 2008
Logan, Utah temple
How do I describe what depths of joy we experienced last Wednesday? There are no words adequate- no articulation that can contain the singing in my heart. My mom- my daddy- made it to the temple! They were sealed for eternity and I am now sealed to them for eternity also!

They were accompanied by many ward members as well as myself (I was my mom's escort), my son Donnie (my dad's escort), and my daughter Heather and her hubby Mike (he was one of the witnesses). There were other family members - And- my Uncle George (my mom's brother) performed the sealing ceremony!
(As I said "Oh What Joy!")

I remember the first time I went to the temple- I didn't know the joy I felt then was just the beginning! I remember feeling the sweet assurance of the spirit that my parents would someday be sealed- but at that time I really thought it would only happen after they had passed!

What a journey we've all had! When I received that assurance my mom and dad weren't even married to each other- in fact my mom was married to someone else! Then, they remarried in 1980 (in my home!) to everyone's surprise. Who knew? Well- I guess the spirit had whispered these things to my spirit many years before, and this also fulfills one of the promises in my Patriarchal Blessing! These past 5-6 years watching them grow in the gospel- seeing Donnie ordain his Grandpa to be an elder- seeing my mom stretch and reach goals and overcome doubts that have plagued her for decades- being able to converse and actually "teach" my parents things I have longed to share with them- has taught me so much about the Lord and how He works and how He blesses us- always in His time and in His wisdom!

As a mom I have experienced the thrill and joy of seeing my two older children obtain their own temple blessings- I see them raising my grandbabies in homes filled with joy, light, and love! I see my younger son (Brady) on his own journey in life-finding what brings him joy and creating beautiful art and music all along the way. I see my baby, Brooke Anne-though she struggles in her mortality- her journey is bright and sure! I am truly blessed- and can only say again and again- "Oh What Joy!"

This experience has reminded me once again- that whenever we feel overwhelmed with sorrow or we feel life has dished out just too much for us to bear- Heavenly Father is always, always there and always mindful of us and if we do all we can to "hold to the rod", if we endure the trials we face seeking His love and guidance, all will be well- and we will know joy- not just momentary happiness and fun (and who doesn't love that?)- but the deep, abiding joy that fills our hearts and spirits even in our deepest times of trial.

As I said in the beginning- I really cannot find the words to adequately articulate all that I am feeling this week- know only that my heart and spirit are so full- my cup does indeed runneth over- and my prayers as always are with all! God Bless!


Jennifer B said...

That is just AWESOME!! Congrats to them & your family. The temple is such an amazing place.

Heather said...

There really aren't words enough to express our excitement, huh? Idon't even know what to say besides...marvelous, truly marvelous, beautiful and wonderful!!!!!!! I love you!!!!

Jenn said...

I'm so happy for you guys! I started tearing up while Heather was telling me about it. What a wonderful experience and such a blessing! When do you guys plan on coming back!? That's exciting!!

steph said...

Yea!!! I am so happy and excited! I am humble to know that they have tried, learned and grown to where they are today. It is such an uplifting story! I remember when Heather and I would talk growing up... how she wished they would go to the temple! Dreams have come true! Please send my love and congrats to them! Although it has been years and years... I still remember them!