Sunday, August 10, 2008

Okay- so today I decided to try this blog thing out. With a lot of encouraging/urging from my beautiful daughter, Heather, here goes!

This life has been quite a journey so far. Lots of ups and lots of downs- but I am blessed to have a deep understanding and testimony and so I lean on the Lord for strength and courage when I need it and give thanks to Him for all I have and all I have experienced that has brought me to who I am and where I am now.

I sometimes feel I could write volumes on the trials I have faced through the years, but those who know me already know enough about that, and those who don't know me- well, just suffice it to say, I'd rather you know the good things in my life and perhaps along the way I will occasionally share some of the things I have faced and hopefully conquered!

For today, my first blog, I just want to acknowledge the love and support I have felt throughout my life from my Heavenly Father. I want to acknowledge the love and support of my wonderful, kind, loving best friend and husband. I want to acknowledge the love and support of my magnificent children. I have four- 2 boys, 2 girls. 2 married- 2 not. There were times in my life that I think only their love and the joy and honor of being their mom kept me going. And now, I have 8 fantastic grandkids with them. (With my husband's family I have 18 (that's right-18) more fantastic grandkids!) Seeing my children, the adults they have become, gives me such joy and such a sense of exactly what our eternal perspective and purpose is. In those dark hours, when the sadness or the regret of past trials tries to overtake my mind and heart, I think of my children- I call them or read their blogs, text messages, etc. and I am renewed. I turn to Heavenly Father in humble gratitude for being blessed with them in my life.

As I walk through this blog process, I will take time for each of my kids and write about them and their families. If I do it individually, then perhaps I will do them justice. For now- well- I guess this is a start, Heather! What do ya think?

1 comment:

Heather said...

Es Muy Fabuloso! That's probably more made up spanish than real, but you get my point! Yay, another blog to add to my list, and the most important one at that!