Monday, November 23, 2009

Thoughts of Thanksgiving

My heart is so full as I sit and ponder the bounty of love, joy and blessings unmeasured in my life. I have had such a wondrous relationship with my Heavenly Father. Even in the times when my life path detoured from the straight and narrow..... even in the times when I thought I was all alone.... even in the times when sorrow, fear, anger, despair seemed to be all consuming. And most especially in times of joy and celebration. From the time I was a young child, I have been in constant "conversation" with Heavenly Father... asking, seeking, sharing, and giving thanks.

During this time of Thanksgiving I am reminded of all that is good and right and well in my life and in the lives of those I love. In spite of the struggles we all face, His love and assurance is all around us. We only have to open our hearts- we only have to drink from the well- and we will know He is here.

To all our children, grandchildren, siblings, parents, friends, neighbors, brothers and sisters in the gospel- thank you for all you bring to my life and into the life of my sweetheart. To those who care for my special daughter, Brooke Anne- thank you and may God bless you. To all who have touched my life- past, present and in the future- thank you from my heart.

And most of all- I thank my Father in Heaven- for with Him, "nothing is impossible" if we just reach and take his hand.

Happy Thanksgiving with Love!


Jen said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Lovely post!

steph said...

Absolutely beautiful! I love and miss you!