Me & My
Sweetheart Jim
March 23, 2002
(Amanda's wedding)
So- Heather
tagged me! & here goes!
Each person tagged gets to answer questions about their sweetheart! Then at the end of the post, they tag 6 others and post their names, then goes to their blogs to let them know they've been tagged. (I don't think I can come up with 6 others, but I'll try)
1- What is your husband's name? Jimmy Lee Witt
2- How long have you guys been married? 7 years, 3 months :)
3- How long did you date? Hmmm- funny story- we "met" on LDS Singles On-Line- sent e-mails back and forth for a couple months, then met face to face. We then dated for 3 months, got engaged and were married 3 months after that..... so altogether, a little under a year.
4- How old is he? Verrrrrrrrry Old (hee hee) 58
5- Who is taller? He is- by about 5 inches.
6- Who can sing best? Definitely me! Although he really loves music!
7- Who is smarter? Definitely he is! He could do sooooooooooooo good on Jeapordy! He is a walking trivia/detail/history/information buff!
8- Who does laundry? We both do our own clothes, but I do the rest.
9- Who pays the bills? I do.
10- Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Is there a wrong side? hee hee- I do.
11- Who mows the lawn? He used to- now we either get the neighbor boy or the scouts come and do it because of his being disabled.
12- Who cooks dinner? I cook or we will each heat up a microwave meal of our own choice.
13- Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Neither - just kidding- we are both pretty strong minded and opinionated, but we are both tolerant of each other's views and we both very easily apologize or admit to being wrong- so, it's a toss up!
14- Who kissed who first? He did - of course!
15- Who wears the pants? I love Heather's answer! "I have one leg in and so does he- we make a good team" He is the priesthood holder and leader in our home- but we work as a team!
Thanks Heather Feather for the tag! I love playing along! Now- let's see, I tag Dani, Jennifer, Tringle, Jenny----- can't think of anyone else! So- go! It's your turn!